Help from an EQ (Electric Quilt) User

Hi! I  am hoping to turn a photo into a pixelated quilt and it seems EQ is the best way to do that. Is there anyone in our group who would be willing to do this for me? I could trade a gift card to my shop!
Sally (Savannah Fabric Company)

Sewing Machine Request

Inspiritus Coastal Georgia is a local organization that works with local refugee families.  If anyone has or knows of a sewing machine that could be donated to an Afghani mother of five who wants to sew clothes for her children please text Cissy Hoffman at 912-656-7900.  Thanks, Janie Brodhead

Sewing Machine Request

Inspiritus Coastal Georgia is a local organization that works with local refugee families.  If anyone has or knows of a sewing machine that could be donated to an Afghani mother of five who wants to sew clothes for her children please text Cissy Hoffman at 912-656-7900.  Thanks, Janie Brodhead