Register for Sulky Threads September 9th Class Today

Only ten spots are left for our September 9th Sulky Threads class.Registration is $50 and Participant’s kit is $26.  Monies are due at sign up. Registration closes Saturday, August 13th.

Learn Thread Sketching, Free Motion Basics, Couching and Creating a Landscape plus more!! For more information, see our June newsletter. See me at our July luncheon to sign up in person.  Or contact me at  Don’t delay – your spot is waiting!!

Judy Walker

Pay now for July 9th Luncheon

Please pay for your lunch $15 now.

Choice 1 – Turkey Sandwich

Choice 2 – Roast Beef Sandwich

Choice 3 – Chicken Club Salad

Make your selection and pay by Venmo, Zelle, or check to the Treasurer, Theresa Sapp.  Deadline for payment is June 18th.

SQG July Luncheon is on the agenda!

The June 11th meeting is fast approaching and it is time to roll out our plans for the July Luncheon.  The July meeting will be held on July 9th.  The luncheon will take the place of a program.  It is a highlight of the summer for us to visit with our fellow quilters and enjoy a nice meal together.  This year Jason’s Deli will be providing the food and the guild will provide the drinks.  The charge to each member will be $15.00.

A sign up sheet will be passed around at the meeting this Saturday.  There are three choices of meals and each one comes with a dessert cookie, YUM!

1 – Deluxe Box Lunch – Turkey and Cheese Sandwich, Pickle and Chips

2 – Deluxe Box Lunch – Roast Beef and Cheese Sandwich, Pickle and Chips

3 – Club Salad Box Lunch – Chicken (no cheese), Asiago Ranch Dressing (on the side)

Please decide on your lunch selection and bring $15 in Cash, Check or Venmo/Zelle to the meeting on Saturday.

See you soon!

SQG Board Members



Free! Navigating the Website Workshop Free!

The Navigating the website Workshop is free to our members.  The workshop will be held after the Saturday, June 11th Savannah Quilt Guild Meeting.  Renee and Theresa will take you on a tour of the website via a TV screen and you can follow along on your laptop or tablet.  We will be addressing problems and questions that members have encountered.

Bring a snack/lunch as we will have a quick lunch break right after the morning meeting.  It is recommended that you bring a laptop if you have one.  A second choice is a tablet.  We will have a worksheet for you to follow along with notes.

You must be signed up before the meeting to attend.  Please send an email to