The fabric coffers for our pillow cases and nursing covers are in need of replenishing. If you are able, take a look at your stash and consider donating a yard (or two) for these very worthwhile causes. See Cindy Strubbe and/or Jan Howard this Saturday if you would like to contribute colorfast cotton fabric. You can also find the directions for making these items on our website. Thank you all for your ongoing support! Hope to see you Saturday!!
Updated Membership List
Hello everyone! Our most recent Membership List has been uploaded (or you can click the link below). If you see any errors, please let us know.
Hope to see you all Saturday at our August Guild Meeting. I’m looking forward to hearing all about the Savannah Fabric Company and learning more about one of our newer members-Sally Shake.
Velinda Burnsed
Please keep Velinda Burnsed in your thoughts and prayers. Last week she fell and injured both lower extremities. She will potentially require surgery and be non-weight bearing for an extended time.
Cindy Ochoa
SQG Newsletter August 2022
Here is the August Newsletter.
Click to copy or download: Click Here
Happy Summer Ladies
Carol Lannom
President’s Challence
2022 SQG President’s Challenge
This year the challenge is to use your creative abilities plus getting out of your comfort zones. Please select a color (hue) that you don’t usually choose/or like and make a quilt project using any piecing pattern you like. The dimensions: no smaller than 12×12 inches; no larger than 36 inches. Those who like to do table runners, no longer than 48 inches please. You have until our December luncheon where we will present them at ‘Show and Tell’. For those of you who accept the ‘challenge’, but were not at the July meeting, please send me your name and color choice by email ( or text (912-658-2676). Good luck. Laurel
Retreat 2023
Please be aware that we can opt out of Lunches and fees have been adjusted for this. Please bring registration form with you for Saturday’s meeting. Don’t forget your checkbook. (Venmo or Zelle can be used; if you are using Venmo, be sure you choose send to a Friend–Not Business) For additional information check on the “Payments Page”