Wanda has been put on a ventilator but the prognosis is not good. Wanda’s family has to make the decision to leave her on the ventilator or take her off. They would like our quilt guild members to know about wanda for their support and prayers.
News about our quilting friend, Wanda
June 16, 2021
Wanda Lucas was admitted to the hospital on Monday and has taking a turn for the worse this morning. She has had a stroke and is in critical condition. Send her your hugs and keep her in your thoughts.
Savannah Quilt Guild Meeting 12 June 2021
June 6, 2021
Cindy Ochoa
Don’t forget the Savannah Quilt Guild Meeting this Saturday June 12, 2021 at Southside Baptist Church. We will reveal the President’s Challenge at our meeting. You can also sign up for our March 3 – 6 2022 Retreat with a $100 deposit. At the after meeting Worksh0p we will be Flipping out with Theresa. You won’t want to miss this meeting and don’t forget your nametag, show and tell and facemask. Hope to see you there!
Cindy Ochoa